
St.Modwen’s Church operates a full calendar of services. We have regular Sunday and Wednesday morning services, plus many services at other days and times of each week.  

Sunday at 11.00 am

Morning Prayer (first Sunday of the month)

Holy Communion (second, fourth and fifth Sundays)

BCP Mattins (3rd Sunday)

Wednesday at 10.45 am

Holy Communion (BCP)

Diocesan Prayer Diary

The full Church of England calendar is available here, with seasons, Holy days, and other fixed and  variable dates.

Here and in church, we often refer to The Book of Common Prayer (BCP). 

The official text can be found at the Church of England website.

At Communion Services gluten-free wafers are available if needed.

Please ask the priest before the service.

Copyright Notice

Some service details may come from Common Worship and Prayers for the Church of England (2000). This material is copyright The Archbishops' Council 2000.

The Church of England also offers weekly online worship services from across the country.


Sunday at 11.00 am

Morning Prayer (first Sunday of the month)

Holy Communion (second, fourth and fifth Sundays)

BCP Mattins (3rd Sunday)

Wednesday at 10.45 am

Holy Communion (BCP)

Diocesan Prayer Diary

Here and in church, we often refer to The Book of Common Prayer (BCP). 

The official text can be found at the Church of England website.

At Communion Services gluten-free wafers are available if needed.

Please ask the priest before the service.

Copyright Notice

Some service details may come from Common Worship and Prayers for the Church of England (2000). This material is copyright The Archbishops' Council 2000.

The Church of England also offers weekly online worship services from across the country.